Creating an Author Online Platform

Now that your manuscript is complete and you’re heading down the self-publishing road, the only way you will get people (your target audience) to know about your book and make sales is awareness.

This is true of traditional publishing also.

But how do you create awareness of you and your book?

You need an author online presence. You need an author platform.

The next question is, how do you create an author online presence that’s noticed when they’re over almost 195,000,000 active websites with 252,000 new ones created every day. That’s a whole lot of Internet noise.

It’s all about book marketing.

To get past that noise, you need to create a realistic marketing strategy that makes you and your book visible and brings visitors to your virtual doorstep.

Online visibility is created through a lot of easy to do strategies including an author website and using social media. These processes funnel visitors back to your website… back to your book’s sales page.

That’s where CREATING AN AUTHOR ONLINE PLATFORM comes in. And as a former author online platform instructor with WOW! Women on Writing, I know how to create and maintain an author platform.

This 4-week e-course is over 160-pages of all content, and includes videos. It's interactive and will take you from square one to selling your books.

After you receive Lesson One upon payment, I will email you the next three lessons, one per week. And you'll get a bonus lesson.
(Unfortunately, I'm having a HUGE problem with PayPal's Buy Buttons so until I get it straightened out, if you're interested in the COURSE or the DIY, send me an email at

If you don’t yet have a website or blog, this is the time to create one. The information provided in Lesson Two will give you the tips and tools needed to create a website that’s reader and search engine friendly.

Note: Each lesson has an assignment with feedback on and you can ask questions.
Note2: The course also provides a number of over-the-shoulder quick videos to further aid in understanding and to reinforce the basics. And if you need a specific how-to video that’s not already covered, I’ll create one.

(Unfortunately, I'm having a problem with the PayPal Buy Buttons. If you like to order the DIY, just send me an email at

Whether you prefer the ecourse or the DIY,

Lesson One: Understanding Book Marketing for Beginners
Covers key elements of book marketing and building an online presence.

Lesson Two: The Author Website
• Do you really need a website?
• What is website optimization and why is it important?
• Domain names, titles, subtitles, categories, keywords
• Basic differences between Blogger and WordPress
• Website hosting and WordPress CMS
• Must-have free WordPress plugins
• The must-have website pages
• Basic tips and tricks to optimize your website
• A 17-Point website checklist
• Website security

Lesson Three: Social Media Marketing
• What is social media marketing?
• Do you really need to use the major social networks?
• How to get started with social media
• Tips and tricks to using social media to generate visibility and shares
• Automation
• Sharing Guidelines
• 10 Social Media Practices to Avoid
• When You Need to Hit the Pause Button

Lesson Four: Email Marketing
• What is email marketing and the subscriber list?
• 10 Top Reasons to use email marketing
• The email marketing service providers you can use
• How to create an opt-in for your website and add effective copy
• What type of Freebies you might offer
• What you should include in your Welcome Message
• How to create an autoresponder series (for automatic emails)
• Creating great titles
• The types of emails you can send
• Best days and times to send emails and more
• 8 Elements for an Effective Opt-in Page to Increase Your Mailing List
• How to Get Subscribers to Open Your Emails
• How to Email Effectively
• 7 Email Marketing Tips That Will Help Increase Your Conversion Rates
• 3 Major Don’ts in Your Email List Opt-in
• Newer List Building Strategies
• A Bit More About DMARC

Bonus Lesson: Blogging Smart
• What is ‘blogging smart?’
• The importance of posting regularly
• Popular blog post formats
• Blog post optimization basics: keywords, categories, tags, and descriptions
• Anchor text and deep linking basics
• Using images, video, and animation in your posts
• Using content curation
Bonus Content
• Be Careful of the Content Marketing Strategies You Use
• Accepting Guest Posts with Third-Party Links
• Blogging with External Links - More Value to the Reader and More Ranking Power
• Does the Length of Your Blog Post Matter? (You bet it does, but why?)
• Blogging and Google Rankings – Do You Really Want to Use that Content in Your Blog Post?

IF YOU'D LIKE TO DISCUSS YOUR OPTIONS, EMAIL ME at kcioffiventrice @ gmail .com